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Interfakultäre Koordinationsstelle für Allgemeine Ökologie (IKAÖ)


Personen / Ehemalige

Silvia Ulli-Beer

Senior Researcher (1997 - 2011)

Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)
CH- 5232 Villigen PSI
Phone +41 56 310 27 23
Fax + 41 056 310 44 16

Website PSI

Roggenweg 7
4900 Langenthal (Switzerland)
Tel. +41 62 923 65 69

Research Interests

  • Strategic Planning and Sustainability, Simulation and Decision Support, Systemic Control Systems in Public Policy and Management, Public Policy Analysis
  • Dynamics of Innovative Systems, Energy Efficient Technology Implementation: Public Acceptance, Compliance and Organizational learning

Ongoing Project

  • Diffusion dynamics of energy efficient buildings (DeeB)
    Simulation of the dynamic interations between relevant actors’ managerial learning, technological innovations, and public policy.
    (SNF Project within the National Research Programm 54 (NRP 54) Sustainable development of the built environment) 2005 - 2008
  • Identifying the main micro processes of technological change within the Swiss car fleet
    (Dissertation project of Mathias Bosshardt 2005 -2008)
  • Experience space mobility: Designing and analysis of a socio-technological field test for innovative drive trains
    (novatlantis sustainability at the ETHZ domain – Pilot region Basel, 2005-2006)
  • Creating and using the market potential of energy-efficient technologies:
    Dynamics of socio-technological transformation processes toward sustainability (Working title of the habilitation thesis)

Selected Publications

Ulli-Beer S., Andersen D. F., Richardson G. P., 2005 (submitted): Financing a competitive recycling initiative in Switzerland. Ecological Economics.

S. E. Bruppacher, Ulli-Beer S., Kaufmann-Hayoz, R., 2005: Diffusion Dynamics of Energy Efficient Buildings.
Abstract for the Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology. Bochum, D (September 19 – 21, 2005).

Ulli-Beer, S., Haefeli U., Kaufmann-Hayoz R., B. Kopainsky, 2005: Understanding and managing uncertainty in scenario planning. Extended abstract for the 2005 International Sustainability Conference. Basel (October, 13 – 14, 2005).

Ulli-Beer, S; B. Kopainsky, Haefeli U., Kaufmann-Hayoz R., 2005: Envisioning and probing the model for policy learning and scenario planning (full text paper). Proceedings of the 2005 International System Dynamics Conference. Boston, MA (July 17 – 21, 2005).

Ulli-Beer, S. 2005 Dynamic Interaction between Citizens’ Choice and Preferences and Public Policy Initiatives. A System Dynamics Model of Recycling Dynamics at the Local Level. (Dissertation – submitted January 2004), University of St. Gallen, St. Gallen, http://www.unisg.ch/www/edis.nsf/wwwDisplayIdentifier/2918.

Ulli-Beer, S. 2004: Managing for sustainability: Towards a navigation model for solid waste management. Abstract for a contribution at the 26th APPAM Research Conference in Atlanta, USA (October 28-30, 2004).

Ulli-Beer, S.; Richardson G. P., Andersen D. F., 2004: A SD-choice structure for policy compliance: micro behavior explaining aggregated recycling dynamics (full text paper). Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. Oxford, England (July 25-29, 2004).

Ulli-Beer, S.; Andersen D. F., Richardson G. P. 2004: Using the SD-SWM-model to inform policy making for solid waste management at the local level (full text paper). Proceedings System Dynamics Society. Oxford, England (July 25-29, 2004).

Ulli-Beer, S. (2003): Dynamic interaction between citizen choice and preferences and public policy initiatives. A System Dynamics model of recycling dynamics in a typical Swiss locality. Proceedings of the 21st International System Dynamics Conference (July 20 - 24 ,2003), New York City, U.S.A, System Dynamics Society, CD-Rom.

Ulli-Beer S., Mosler, H. J. (2003): Erfahrungen mit der Lokalen Agenda 21 in Schweizer Gemeinden. GAIA 12(1), S.24-28.

Ulli-Beer S. (2002): The role of mental models and group model building in the debate about sustainability at the local level. In: Flury M.; U.Geiser (Ed.): Local Environmental Management in a North-South Perspective. Issues of Participation and Knowledge Management. Themenheft des Schwerpunktprogramms Umwelt (SPPU). Zürich: vdf. 

Ulli-Beer S., Haefeli, U. (2001): Vergleichende Darstellung der LEM-Partnerschaftsprojekte: Muttenz, Sion, Riehen, Wil SG, Wohlen b. Bern, Ittigen. Abschlussbericht zuhanden des Bundesamt für Energie. VEL Mendrisio 1995-2001. Bern: EDMZ, CD-Rom. 

Ulli-Beer S., Haefeli, U. (2001): Evaluation der LEM-Partnerschaftprojekte des Grossversuchs mit Leicht-Elektromobilen in Mendrisio. Abschlussbericht über die Bevölkerungsbefragungen in den Partnergemeinden 1997/8, 1999 und 2001 zuhanden des Bundesamt für Energie. VEL Mendrisio 1995-2001. Bern: EDMZ, CD-Rom. 

Bruppacher S., Ulli-Beer S. (2001): Mobilising resources for more sustainable lifestyles: Views of households and local authorities. In: Kaufmann-Hayoz R., Gutscher H. (Eds.): Changing things - moving people. Strategies for promoting sustainable development at the local level. Themenheft des Schwerpunktprogramms Umwelt (SPPU). Basel: Birkhäuser. S. 281-299. 

Kaufmann-Hayoz R., Bättig Ch., Bruppacher S., Defila R., Di Giulio A., Ulli-Beer S., Friederich U., Garbely M., Gutscher H., Jäggi Ch., Jegen M., Müller A., North N. (2001): A typology of tools for building sustainability strategies. In: Kaufmann-Hayoz R., Gutscher H. (Eds.): Changing things - moving people. Strategies for promoting sustainable development at the local level. Themenheft des Schwerpunktprogramms Umwelt (SPPU). Basel: Birkhäuser. S. 33-107. 

Kaufmann-Hayoz R., Ulli-Beer S., Garbeley M., Gutscher H. (2001): Suggestions for designing policy strategies for sustainable development. In: Kaufmann-Hayoz R., Gutscher H. (Eds.): Changing things - moving people. Strategies for promoting sustainable development at the local level. Themenheft des Schwerpunktprogramms Umwelt (SPPU). Basel: Birkhäuser. S. 325-335. 

Ulli-Beer S. (2000): Unser Abfall - der entwertete Rohstoff der kommenden Generation? Entropietheoretische Betrachtung angewandter ökonomischer Modelle und Instrumente im Bereich der Abfallwirtschaft. Lizentiatsarbeit. Schriftenreihe Studentische Arbeiten, Nr. 15. Bern: IKAÖ. 

Ulli-Beer S. (1999): Gemeinsam: Experten und Studierende auf der Suche nach geeigneten Massnahmen für eine zukunftsfähige Gemeindeentwicklung - Beispiel einer Modellmoderation. GAIA. 8(4), S. 310-314. 

Beer, S., Vescovi, S. (1996). Der freiwillige Zwang: Der Entscheidungsprozess der Verordnung (EWG) des Rates über die freiwillige Beteiligung gewerblicher Unternehmen an einem Gemeinschaftssystem für das Umweltmanagement und die Umweltbetriebsprüfung (EMAS). Unveröffentlichte Lizentiatsarbeit des Instituts für Politikwissenschaft der Universität Bern. Bern.

Selected professional experiences and awards

2005, 2006 Lecture on Complex Social Systems at the University of Bern
2004-2005 President of the Swiss-Chapter of the System Dynamics Society (http://www.albany.edu/cpr/sds)
8. 2002 - 8. 2003 Award from the basic research funds
of the University of St. Gallen

Research Scholar at the Department of Public Administration and Policy, Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy
University at Albany, SUNY, Albany USA
1997 – Summer 2002 Scientific research assistant for Prof. Dr. R. Kaufmann-Hayoz, Interdisciplinary Centre for General Ecology, University of Bern, Switzerland.
  • Outphasingproject: PLANET 21
    Network for a sustainable development in municipalities” (2000-2002), www.planet21.ch
  • “Environmentally responsible behavior in community settings: Theoretical analysis and empirical investigation of overcoming barriers to change”
    A subproject of the Integrated project within the Swiss Priority Program Environment: “Strategies and instruments for sustainable development: Bases and evaluation of applications, with special regard to the municipality level” (1997-2000)
  • Large-scale fleet test of lightweight electric vehicles (LEVs) in Mendrisio. A pilot and demonstration project supported by Swiss Energy. (Accompanying research, 1997-2001)


  • Supervision of interdisciplinary student research projects (ongoing)
  • Member of the System Dynamics Society Conference Paper Review Committee (2003 - ongoing)
  • Member of the System Dynamics Society
  • Consulting activities for the regional public organization “Region Oberaargau” (Development of a Charta for a Sustainable Development)
  • University teaching position at the nurse’s training school in Freiburg, Switzerland
    (The hospital under ecological aspects, 2 hours/year, 1998-2002)
  • Planning and realisation of extension studies for ecology (1999)
  • Various teaching experiences at primary school and adult education
  • Family with two kids, a cat and four rabbits (actual status)

Scientific Education

2004 Doctor of oeconomiae (Dr.oec.des.)
University of St. Gallen
2002-2003 Course work at the University at Albany, USA
(Mathematical Modelling in System Dynamics)
2000-2001 Ph.D. studies at the University of St. Gallen
Management science
1991-1998 Master in economics (lic. rer. pol.)
University of Berne and Geneva
  Major Subject: Economy (environmental and natural resource economics, international economics, public finance)
Minor Subject: Political science (comparative policy) and General Ecology
1983-1988 Teacher training college in Langenthal
Interfakultäre Koordinationsstelle für Allgemeine Ökologie (IKAÖ) der Universität Bern (1988-2013)
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